The 10th golden youth award camp began in Thimphu yesterday.

A total of 80 youth, 40 male and 40 female along with eight escort teachers reached Thimphu on the evening of July 5. The Youth Development Fund (YDF) is organising the camp.

Every year, at the end of the camp, one student from class X is awarded the title of “Golden Youth of the year” and given an opportunity to study abroad.

Program coordinator with YDF, Roma Pradhan said, this year’s camp is special. “We are celebrating the first decade of Golden Youth award, which is coinciding with the 60th birth anniversary of Her Majesty Gyalyum Tshering Pem Wangchuck, the president of YDF.”

The selection for the award is done at dzongkhag and national levels. At the dzongkhag level, four students are chosen among the nominees from schools. Four students each from 20 dzongkhags then compete at national level for the title of golden youth.

The participants are assessed in the fields of academic excellence, literary, general knowledge and IQ, talent, games and sports and social service.

Roma Pradhan said, the camp allows opportunities to participate in leadership training, activities and programs, and a platform to exchange ideas and perspectives on issues affecting the lives of both rural and urban young people.

Staff reporter
