Looking back

As we straddle the two years, the new and the year gone by, we look back on the successes we have achieved as a people and a nation in the last 12 months and look to the future with greater hope and aspirations.

Reconsider taxation policy

A debate has been sparked following news that farmers were taxed...

The People’s King

As Drukyul celebrates the Birth Anniversary of His Majesty The Druk...

Fighting Noncommunicable diseases

Noncommunicable diseases (NCD) is one of growing challenges facing the country...

Sober and slow

It is frightening to learn that hundreds of drivers take to...

Keep it civil

In recent days, a few posts online have generated much debate...

Addressing challenges facing the RNR sector

Even as agriculture is one of the most important sectors in...

Dangerous beliefs

The killing of a man suspected of sorcery last year is...

Our forests and conservation efforts

The National Forest Inventory Report (NFIR) tells us that of the...

To be or not to be

We have had a few elected members resigning before completing their...

Time to delve into our souls

Our small and happy society is no longer at peace with...

We must do more

We have run a number of articles on arrests and convictions...

Public view must be sought for standard signage rule

The signboard standardisation rule is upon us again. Thimphu Thromde is...
