The milk men of Panbang

It’s almost noon. Two elderly men appear on the streets of Panbang pulling a trolley on which rests a steel can.

Paving the road to recovery

Many are successfully recovering and five of them have chosen to...

Seven lives, one city

Thimphu, the new film by Chand RC, is a drama following...

Beating a habit

On a chilly winter evening in January 1989, a healthy baby...

The young entrepreneur of remote Gakiling

In the desolate gewog of Gakiling in Haa, Ugyen, a class...

Lucky agent’s way with the lottery

Profile: Seated under the shade of the cinema theatre...

Wola Gyalpo’s forgotten choeten

Culture: The last rays of the winter sun penetrate through...

A lhakhang where both genders are not allowed

Religion: Women are restricted from entering goenkhangs (sanctums) of any sacred...

Weekdays are best time to fetch Kurje Drubchu

Religion: If you are a resident of Bumthang and...

An unknown but sacred choeten in Bumthang

Heritage: Most are not aware of a small choeten...

Hitching a ride in Zhemgang

Lack of a frequent public transport system in Zhemgang forces many...

Palace of the exiled Tibetan prince

Heritage: Guru Rinpoche’s contemporary king Khikha Rathoe also lived in...

Gamung’s long wait for water

Water: In a small village called Gamung in upper Shali in...
