MoE points out the dzongkhag education sector’s inefficiency in deployment of teachers

Mongar education sector deployed 21 contract teachers to address teacher shortage in schools across the dzongkhag on October 17.

Four of the 21 contract teachers were assigned to Drametse Central School (DCS) while the rest were sent to the schools in the gewogs.

Following reports in the media (Kuensel) regarding a shortage of 16 teachers at DCS, the education ministry on July wrote to the dzongdag stating that as per the Teacher Requirement Exercise (TRE) tool and information provided by the Dzongkhag Education Sector, DCS is in short of eight and not 16 teachers.

Based on the minimum of 18 hours contact teaching and excluding 31 principals and 17 vice principals, the letter stated that the ministry understands that there is a shortage of 52 teachers in the whole dzongkhag.

The ministry also pointed out huge inefficiency in deployment of teachers as per the TRE and subject requirement at the district level. It requested the dzongkhag administration to redeploy the required teachers from schools that have excess teachers.

Six schools were found to have excess teachers. Mongar Higher Secondary School (MHSS) has four, Mongar Lower SS has two, Kidheykhar Central School has five, Ngatshang PS, Sengor PS and Chaskhar Pam ECR has one teacher in excess.

After the redeployment exercise, DCS now has 31 teachers. According to the TRE, one teacher will have 19 students. However, before midterm, the school had 25 teachers for 712 students.

A source said that in 2016, there were 26 teachers for 18 sections but this year, there are 25 teachers for 22 sections. According to TRE, the primary school teacher-student ratio is 1:24. In the middle secondary school, a teacher has to teach 30 students.

Deputy chief with the dzongkhag education sector, Ugyen Thinley, said that after receiving the letter from the education ministry, the sector redeployed teachers from MHSS.

He said that Mongar LSS didn’t include teachers for Special Education Need while some teachers were on leave. Kidheykhar Central School has been upgraded recently and starting next year, the sector would have to deploy more teachers after the classrooms are constructed.

What the TRE prescribes is not always practical, he said. For instance, Takhambi in Tsakaling has an Extended Class Room (ECR) with few students and a teacher. As per the TRE, the number of students is not enough but the lone teacher has to teach Dzongkha, EVS, Mathematics, and English from classes PP to III.

Tashi Phuntsho | Mongar
